Content training

    1. New Learning Platform om Thinkific!

    2. Recorded webinar on Trauma Informed Care Farming

    3. Handmodel of the brain with children

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About this training

  • Price: 0,00
  • Language: English

Jamie Tanner (VS)

Trauma Informed Care Farming

Oprichter/CEO Simple Sparrow Care Farm, Hutto TX Gewijd predikant en theoloog in residentie bij Restore Church, Austin TX Jamie is een gepensioneerde gevechtsverpleegster in het Amerikaanse leger, moeder van vier kinderen en getrouwd met Eric Tanner. In 2017 richtte ze Simple Sparrow op, een zorgboerderij in Centraal Texas die alle leeftijden, achtergronden en capaciteiten leert hoe ze voor land, tuinen en dieren moeten zorgen met de missie Learn+Grow+Heal. Ze behaalde haar master aan het Dallas Theological Seminary en keerde terug om een DEdMin af te ronden. Haar proefschrift en onderzoek is een trainingsprogramma voor de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van het Simple Sparrow model, dat spirituele zorg en trauma-geïnformeerde zorg combineert. Het doel is om meer zorgboeren toe te rusten en te ondersteunen die spirituele en/of trauma-geïnformeerde zorg voor hun eigen organisatie willen bieden. Bij Simple Sparrow Care Farm blijft Jamie zorgboerderij-programma's en onderzoeken ontwikkelen en resultaten evalueren. Ze geeft ook pastorale zorg in haar gemeenschap en leest graag buiten met vrienden.


If your question is not listed below, please feel free to contact us: [email protected]

  • For who are the trainings?

    Trauma Informed is for everyone who is in contact with others; managers, parents, therapists, coaches, teachers, public service providers such as police, but also lawyers and judges, etc. We are people and we need each other and instead of creating even more distance from each other, the Trauma Informed philosophy can reduce the distance. If we understand what causes behavior and what happens within a human system, there is more understanding, but especially more insight into how we can deal with ourselves and others differently than from judgement. Knowledge is no longer just for 'specialists'.

  • Does this training train you to become a therapist?

    We can be brief about this: no. This training course does not train you to become a therapist, they provide knowledge, insight and self-help tools to better understand the theory. The aim of discussing therapies in the training is to gain an overview of the possibilities within the field of Trauma Informed Care. It also provides an idea of how the theory can be applied in a clinical environment. We hope it will stimulate you to investigate further. Because Trauma Informed is truly a different view of yourself and the world, it can provide many insights. Insights that usually lead to different functioning and actions. These insights are of great value to organizations and companies. It can be done differently!

  • How can Trauma Informed knowledge strengthen me personally and professionally?

    By adding the Trauma Informed paradigm to your professional view of work and people, you will gain more insight into why people do what they do or why they don't do something that you want them to do. Above all, it gives you more insight into yourself internally and can cause a natural change in interacting with people. You will begin to see where you respond out of survival to keep yourself safe and what influence this has on your environment. There will be more experience of leadership within yourself and therefore how you interact with your environment. You can also better recognize these processes in others; survival, vulnerability. How do you approach behavior when you know it is rooted in vulnerability? It is very helpful for therapists and coaches to learn how to better stay connected with yourself and be fully present when in interaction with clients. You recognize needs such as "I have to provide the solution" more as a response to your own urge to feel safe by 'doing it right'. If you are concerned with your own survival you cannot be present and your client will feel that. But it will also provide insight that everything starts and ends in the body, that thinking, talking and doing are often survival responses and not the path to solutions. It gives more confidence in yourself and that the added value is first and foremost the degree of secure connection with the client and that the client can especially help themselves with your support.

  • Which payment methods are available?

    That depends on where you live and what financial sources you use. Enter the country of your bank, so you will see the payment methods available for that country.